About Us – Save Your Memories

Bringing the past back to life with digital flair.

“About Save Your Memories ”

All old photographs, even those severe damaged, are real treasure for everyone of us because they captured some very significant facts from our life in the past, very often very distant one, so they can help us to refresh our memory about those facts. The old photographs as only one way to record those distant facts are so valuable treasure for us that’s why we should care for them.

Let me put your old Slides, Photographs or Old Movies (8mm, 16mm, Video8 etc) onto DVD or CD. It is a fact that they deteriorate over time but also in case the unthinkable happens then at least they can be in a place where you can grab them quickly Furthermore, we offer different resolutions and levels of service to meet the different needs of our clients.

Don’t delay

Do it before it’s too late to save those precious moments!!!

Our Exceptional Values

We want to respond to your needs as best we can and as quickly as we can. As you will find around our site, there are many intricacies to the work we do and we will often transfer media twice to be sure we are getting the best result for our clients. If a film transfers with a small hair in the corner we notice, we mark it for re-transfer, knowing this could be done better. ‘Good enough’ is simply not.

Long live communication. When you call you can speak with someone who actually works here and can answer every question. You can write and get a detailed response that does not just gloss over the smaller parts of your question. You can walk in and we will go over your order in person, or we will pickup and deliver it if you are in Central Rd Avalon Beach NSW. We serve anyone, anywhere via shipping, with orders of any size.

Early Digital Revolution

The capturing and storage of video, audio, film and photo evolved slowly where initial efforts to capture in digital were on tape and evolved overtime to CDs, DVDs, Mini-discs, and now Blu-ray. Depending on the type of media, it was not unusual to either capture in low quality digital in standard definition such as MP3 in audio and or 480p MPEG2 video. These options were less difficult to share and less difficult to duplicate.

However, the evolution of digital and mobile technology has transformed digital significantly especially as a result of mobile phones, cheap data storage options, higher quality and smaller lenses and the evolution of cloud computing allowing you to store media in central repositories. This evolution means what was done in the past has to be redone for digitization purposes

Preserving Memories and Evolution of Digitization

Save Your Memories has been in the business of helping families, institutions and artists preserve and distribute media stored in old formats (photo, video, audio, DVD, film) for 12 years. During this time, we have seen the evolution of digital and how digital conversion has revolutionized media storage, preservation, enhancement and sharing. I hope this article will help you to figure out how to best preserve your memories and share them for future generations in the new digital world.

About Us

The old photographs as only one way to record those distant facts are so valuable treasure for us that's why we should care for them.

Contact Details

73 Central Road, Avalon Beach, NSW

0411 860 787


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